Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Citizenship in School: Reconceptualizing Down Syndrome"-Kliewer

"To value another is to recognize diversity as the norm. It establishes the equal worth of all schoolchildren, a sense that we all benefit from each other, and the fundamental right of every student to belong."

We need to get over the fact that people are different. Everybody is different. There are no two people anywhere who are exactly the same. But these differences shouldn't define us in a negative way, but should highlight and celebrate diversity in a positive way. Just because someone is different does not make a person any less of a person, therefore nobody should be devalued or mistreated just because somebody thinks they're 'different'. A human being is a human being no matter what.

"According to Shayne, the notion of Down syndrome often obscures our ability to recognize the child as a child. She or he becomes a walking pathological syndrome, a mobile defect on the loose."

When people assign labels to other people, especially because of differences, then it becomes impossible to think of that person as just a person. Instead, stereotypes are often used instead of really getting to know the individual person as the important and valuable person that he or she is.

"Now we know that people with disabilities can learn and have a full, rich life. The challenge is to erase negative attitudes about people with developmental disabilities, get rid of the stereotypes and break the barriers for people with disabilities."

Every time someone says or hears the word 'disabled', it is automatically associated with a negative connotation. You never hear of a 'good disability'. Until people realize that 'disabled' people are capable of leading normal, fulfilling, and productive lives, these negative assumptions will not go away.

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